I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Thursday 5 July 2012

Wednesday 4th July

We had four locks to do first thing this morning which I did and walked 2 miles according to my pedometer! As I was walking along the towpath I nearly trod on a little mouse – it looked terrified and was motionless! As soon as I stopped it recovered it’s sanity and ran into the overgrowth.

As we approached Retford there was a small sapling across the canal which had broken off. On investigation Richard discovered that it wasn’t that big and if he backed up he could go close to the bank and push it out of the way – fortunately the canal was steep sided at that point as we could get close to the side. I then had to phone C&RT and inform them.

We pulled over on the visitor’s moorings in Retford to go shopping and decided to stay overnight. Retford is a nice town and the moorings seem quite quiet and we can safely let Millie out tonight. Retford gained its first charter in 1246, when Henry III granted the right for a fair, this was later extended to holding a Saturday Market by Edward I in 1275. The town played a remarkable part in the story of the Pilgrim Fathers, who fled to America in 1620 after being persecuted for their religious beliefs.

An amusing point about the Chesterfield Canal - in 1978 a maintenance team was dredging the bottom of the canal to remove rubbish. Later that day, they were told that a large whirlpool had formed and the canal was quickly losing water. It turned out one of the first things removed from the canal was a large plug that had been installed to allow the canal to drain in an emergency!

Weigh in day again but 3lbs this week – I am really pleased :-) I just can’t believe how easy I am finding it to stick to. We did go out for a meal this evening and, for the first time in five weeks, I let myself go and really enjoyed a good meal and some wine – back on the straight and narrow tomorrow!

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