I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Sunday, 30 September 2012

Saturday 29th October

Yellow Duck Marine
Those of us who were staying on the floating hotel joined the others for breakfast at the Jury’s Inn as Victoria was taking Mother and Step Father Richard home.  Also my aunt and uncle were going home too.  After breakfast I went to get Victoria’s car out of the car park and discovered that I had lost the ticket!  There was a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and eventually I had to pay for a lost ticket.

After everyone had gone Penny, Jim joined us on Mary H for coffee.  Penny and I then went off shopping while Richard and Jim took Mary H down to Liverpool Marina to empty the elsan cassettes.  Once again the shopping expedition was useless – if I had some idea of what I want it would be a lot easier!  I shall have to have a good look online and get some ideas.
Royal Liver Building

Penny and Jim are staying on till Monday as Penny has a school reunion here so she left me at the shops and went off to meet her friends.  I wandered very slowly back to Mary H as my feet really hurt – too much Greek dancing perhaps!

Richard and Jim had been to the Maritime Museum which they found very interesting and well worth the visit.

In the evening Richard, Jim and I wanted to go to a Miller & Carter, a steak house in Albert Dock, as we had passed it so many times on our way to and from the hotel and the steaks smelt wonderful!  Unfortunately as it was Saturday we had an hour’s wait for a table but it was well worth the wait!

The photos for today and tomorrow will be some of the ones I have taken during our stay in Liverpool.

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