I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Sunday 26 May 2013

Old Man’s Bridge (38) - Thursday 23rd May

We woke up to rain beating down on the roof – again – and made the decision to stay put for the morning as the forecast was to improve through the day.

I took the opportunity of walking down to Tesco and stocking up on the household supplies.  The only trouble is that I love a bargain and why buy one bottle of cleaner for £1.25 when you can get two for £1.50!  Then of course comes the problem of trying to find somewhere to stow it all!  Still I managed to find homes for everything.  I think Richard was quite relieved that I hadn’t bought loo paper as two packs of nine rolls takes some stowing and they quite often end up in his wardrobe!

Blake Mere
We left Ellesmere about midday and moved down to Blake Mere where we stopped for lunch.  Muffin thought it was wonderful especially when he found a Jack Russell friend called Dennis!  It is a lovely mooring spot but rather dark and overgrown for me but I think the view out of the other side of the boat might have made up for it.

I made the most of a long lock free stretch to catch up on the ironing.  I never mind the ironing on the boat really as I put my iPod on and, of course, the view is changing all the time.

Richard pulled over for the night and asked if the spot was OK.  I looked out of the window and saw a very nice slurry pit but explained that there must be a nicer place!  We moved a bit further on and tied up – but no internet but that was better than a slurry pit!

Ellesmere Wharf to Old Man’s Bridge (38)
10.36 miles
0 locks
2 lift/swing bridges


  1. Think your blog should be re-named the Chronicles of Richards' Wardrobe... Sounds like everything ends up there. Are you sure there will be room for your new vacuum too?

    1. There will be room even if it means no clothes for Richard!
