I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Tuesday 31st July

Today it was goodbye to Leeds, to rivers (for a while anyway) but also to mechanized locks :-(  We left Clarence Dock at the same time as the hire boat that came in yesterday – well actually I made sure we left at the same time as they had two strapping sons on board!  We got through the six locks in record time – the fourth lock being a two rise – and were soon at Aire Valley Marina.

Penny and Jim arrived about 12.30 – just in time for lunch.  Millie was pleased to see her Aunty but horrified to see Niamh and burrowed a bit deeper into the duvet L  I took the opportunity of having a car to hand and we went off to Morrisons for a BIG shop!  It was great filling up the trolley but not so great having to cart it back from the car park to the boat and even worse trying to find somewhere to put it all on the boat. Still at least we are now all vittled up for the week.   

A quiet evening and an early night and Penny and Jim had been up early.  Millie is now confined to our end of the boat at night for the time being.  Richard put her litter tray and food in the cratch, left one of the front doors open and unzipped the cratch a little.  Hopefully she will understand how to get out!

Weigh day today and a better week – 2lbs this week :-)

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