I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday 12 April 2010

Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th April (my birthday!)

Today was a day of a nice surprise!

We set off to Loughborough and it turned into a really hot sunny day. Richard had his shorts on but, as usual, I hadn’t come prepared! We had thought we might stay in Loughborough over night but the wharf wasn’t as nice as I had hoped. Still we could see Sainsburys from the boat so went and did a “heavy” shop, had lunch, then went to Currys (on the other side of the road) to buy a TV for the bedroom! We then decided to motor on to Barrow upon Soar as Richard had said that he would take me out to dinner to celebrate my birthday and The Navigation looked good. We moored up just above the lock not far from the pub and I happily got on with my blog while Richard put the new TV up on the wall. Suddenly I realised that someone else was on the boat and Victoria appeared – she and Richard had been planning the surprise! Not only was it a lovely surprise but a relief too as I was beginning to think that Richard was having an affair with the amount of texts he was receiving!! We sat outside at the Navigation and had a very nice meal however we did need to put jackets later on. So not only a lovely day weather wise for surprise wise for me too :-) Millie loved having Victoria here and settled down on her bed , we don’t allow Millie in the bedroom during the night and sure she was smirking at me!

Sunday 11th April (My birthday)

Ah tea in bed with birthday cards – just what the doctor ordered! It was lovely having Victoria here (especially as she brought cards up with her from the flat). Richard decided to go up the river a bit turn round then back down the river a bit, it meant that Victoria got to do 3 locks and experience the boat – albeit only for a few hours. We stopped and tied up for lunch, birthday cake and sparkling wine then set off back to Barrow upon Soar where Victoria had to leave us. It was sad seeing her drive away but I hope that she is going to join us again in a couple of weeks time for a long weekend. Richard and I finished the day by going through a further 4 locks and then mooring up for the night in a very pretty spot and having a glass of wine on deck. A lovely birthday – my first with Richard :-)

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