I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Tuesday 13th April
We took today a bit more leisurely but it was still tiring. Only 12 locks – not 15 as we had thought! They came in 2 stages – one of 7 and then another of 5. We did manage to stop for lunch today though fresh food supplies were running very low! It was nearly a situation of having to go onto long life milk – yuk! There were a few more boats around today and a couple of times we actually met them in a lock which made life a little easier to have some help. The big problem has been that all the top lock gates leak so the lock is always either full or partly full. Even the boats coming the other way haven’t helped as no sooner do they shut the gates as they leave the lock starts to fill up again with the leaking water. Anyway there are no more locks for a while, the next 2 flights are staircases which are a little bit easier. We went through Saddington Tunnel which is supposed to have lots of bats in it. I sat below with Millie so didn’t get to see any – mind you Richard didn’t see any either! We stopped at Foxton and managed to get some bread and milk and decided to stay overnight there as there was a laundrette so I could get a load of washing done. Tomorrow is Market Harborough. I couldn't help but add this photo of Millie under the duvet - she loves it there all snuggy and warm!
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