I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Sunday 13 June 2010

Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th June

Saturday 12th June

So the first part of our summer cruise is over. We took thirteen days to do 71 miles and 77 locks. As we had a deadline to reach Packet Boat Marina we did do it quite quickly. I’m hoping that the rest of our trip will be a little more leisurely!

We had our first visitors today. Wendy and Terry are very old friends of mine and live in Burnham. We spent the morning cleaning and getting Mary H shipshape for the visitation! Wendy and Terry had never been on a canal boat before so we took them on a little trip down the canal and back to the marina. We then went to their house for a barbecue and a good old chinwag! I just hope Richard wasn’t too bored though Wendy did tell him a few secrets from my younger days!

Millie has rather taken to marina life. She hops off the boat onto the pontoon and wanders around looking into other peoples boats and in fact had to be shooed off next doors boat.

Sunday 13th June

Richard went off this morning to collect the car from Northampton. I had worked out his itinerary using a brilliant website. He had to walk to West Drayton station along the towpath, train into Paddington, underground to Euston, train to Northampton, bus to Bugbrooke and then a walk to the marina. A journey of 3¾ hours but only 1½ hours to get back! We will be leaving Mary H tomorrow morning as I have a hospital appointment on Tuesday in Portsmouth. We intend on coming back on Thursday evening with my daughter, Victoria and then setting off through London on Friday morning.

I’ve included a few photos today that I had taken but not used before. They are a bit random but I thought my readers might like to see them!!

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