I know we need rain but why can’t it rain heavily during the night instead of lots of light rain during the day?? It was horrid though I have to say I only ventured out at the locks – poor Richard – talk about a drowned rat! We only did two locks, Rushey and Radcot before p
ulling over for lunch – we didn’t move again for the rest of the day as it was so wet and horrid. It was even too wet for the Welsh Harlequin ducks we found at Radcot Lock. We spent the afternoon “dossing” or is it “chilling” these days? I got on with some work and Richard spent ages on the internet looking up meanders and ox-bow lakes – he is now an expert! For dinner tonight I cooked cauliflower cheese à la Linda – but the reason for telling you this is that they (there were two little ones) came out of the garden at Somersfield :-)

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