I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Thursday 29 July 2010

Wednesday 28th July

We left Woolhampton about 10am to make our way to our new home - about a four hour journey. As we were going through the first lock there was another boat at the top and they offered to wait for us and go through the rest together. It was so nice to have company and what was even better was that Clare was doing the driving and Robin was doing the locks which meant that I had another woman to chat to in the locks :-) Robin had a fold-up bike and after each lock would speed off to get the next one prepared for us! We had quite a few locks to do so it worked really well until we got to the one before last which took us an hour to get through! There was an lady (who wasn’t a youngster by any means!) going through single handedly and she took forever and then there was a hire boat coming down who really didn’t seem to know what they were doing! We finally arrived at Newbury Boat Company and tied up. We aren’t in our designated berth yet but only next door but one. We soon made friends with our next door neighbour who is fitting out his boat – we think he has been at it for three years!! Strangely enough he lives in Winchester – small world isn’t it. He has also said he will water my plants which is a relief as I was worried about them. James came to pick us up about 6pm but he was in his Renault Clio and not the Peugeot so we couldn’t bring everything back with us – Richard will go up on Friday.

Trip statistics! 30 days, 275 miles and 111 locks. That may sound a lot of locks but all the ones on the Thames as manned so it has been a relatively easy trip where locks are concerned.

I’m afraid there are no photos yet for this entry as the camera is still on the boat! I will add them in time.

I’m writing this on Thursday 29th and hopefully I will be going into hospital tomorrow for my knee operation. I’m not sure when we are going back to Mary H or where we are going next – so watch this space in about a week!!

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