I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Thursday 14 October 2010

Thursday 14th October

We wanted to be away by 9.30am so I made a quick visit to Homebase to get a new lampshade for our table lamp and then we set off back up towards Weybridge. This time it was Richard’s turn to do all the locks but we only did three stopping just outside Guildford. We had arranged to meet Richard’s Step-Mother, susan, at a pub there. On our way we came across an extremely low bridge. The map said that at normal river state the clearance was 6ft 4ins – we need about 6 feet (without the top box and chimney). So we had to stop and take the offending bits off the roof - even then it was a tight squeeze!! We then passed Guns Mouth which is the junction of the Godalming Navigation with the Wey and Arun Canal. It is so called as gunpowder was loaded onto barges there from a factory at Chilworth. When we got to Guildford we tied up where we had stopped for lunch on Tuesday and walked to a nearby pub, the Boat House, to meet Susan. After lunch we took Susan for a short trip back down the river to the lock and back to her car. We decided to stay where we were for the night as it was getting a bit late to head through Guildford and past the noisy A3.

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