I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday, 4 July 2011

Saturday 2nd July

We arrived back at Mary H last night. James, Richard’s son, brought us up so that he could take the car back home. We woke up this morning to a glorious day and said our goodbyes to Derek and Emma from the Newbury Boat Company and set off. We managed to find another boat to do the locks with and had a pretty uneventful journey to Woolhampton. We are only going to do 4 hour days to start with until I feel that my knee can cope with longer ones. For those of you who don’t know I had a total knee replacement on May 4th and we have been laid up at home for 8 weeks. Richard has been itching to get back to Mary H and, as Newbury is only a 45 minute drive from home, we have been up and down in the last few weeks and managed to get out three times just for the day. I am going to do the steering for the time being while Richard does the locks, this means that I don’t walk very far so I am determined to do a short walk every day so this evening we walked to the Rowbarge Inn for a drink – where better to walk to?!

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