I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Thursday 21 July 2011

Wednesday 20th July

Today was the Hatton Flight – 21 broad locks. I wanted to be prepared for a hard day so I got a casserole going in the slow cooker and made sandwiches for lunch! We left the Saltisford Arm and headed for the locks. We had hoped that we would find another boat to go up with but we were unlucky
:-( However we were lucky in that about 16 of the locks were in our favour with boats coming down and leaving gates open for us. The last fifteen locks are one after the other and Richard and I got quite a system going but it did mean him walking backwards and forwards from one to the other. Almost at the top is the British Waterways maintenance place where I spotted the van in the photo! We made the top and moored up to eat our sandwiches – it had taken us exactly 3 hours which was quicker that we anticipated it would take. Richard had a shower and we set off again for about four miles and moored up at Turner’s Green for the night.

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