We shared our first lock today with a boat called the St. George who is on her way to London for the water pageant for Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations. The St George was built in 1935 for boating trips in Poole Harbour and commandeered by Admiralty during the war, it is believed it is "more than likely" it took part in the heroic Dunkirk rescue. Unfortunately I didn’t get the
opportunity to take a photo. It didn’t take us long to get to Newark Lock – it is a lovely approach to the town with the castle ruins in the background. We easily found Kings Marina which is our final destination for now. The marina is in a good position slightly out of town but not far from Waitrose and the station – which is important as Richard has to go back to Lichfield tomorrow to pick up the car so we can go home on Thursday. We walked into the town this afternoon and had a look round - there is a big market square but no market today :-( It is the sort of town that I would like to live near. There is a mummy duck with 10 ducklings in the marina and they keep coming round for bread, Mummy just hangs back and lets the babies eat. I bet i
t’s hard work looking after 10 babies! So our statistics for this short trip - 86.02 miles and 61 locks over 13 days (though we did have 2 days off!). We are leaving Mary H now for 7 weeks – Richard and I are getting married on May 4th with a party to celebrate on May 5th and then fly to Italy on May 8th for two weeks. When we get back we have a family party in Devon to celebrate my sister and brother-in-law’s ruby wedding anniversary and my mother’s 90th birthday (which isn’t until October but more of that later on in the summer). We hope to be back on the water around June 15th – see you then!!
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