I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday, 23 July 2012

Sunday 22nd July

clip_image002[4]We’ve made it to York :-) There were times when I didn’t think we would get here but we are now moored up in glorious sunshine – it couldn’t be better!

It was lovely to wake up to sunshine this morning – it makes such a change. We had a good trip up the river – it was only 5½ miles. I am reading Terry Darlington’s new book, Narrow Dog to Wigan Pier, at present and he is rather scathing about the approach to York – “lots of outrageous old boats hung with tin sheets and tarpaulin and ladders going up the banks and shacks”. I can see where he is coming from but it wasn’t that bad!! Once you get into York everything changes and we were suddenly in a city. The waterfront is not really very visitor boater friendly – everything seemed geared to the trip boats. However once wclip_image004[4]e were under Lendal Bridge the river opened out and the visitor moorings are very nice.

We decided to go into the town and have some lunch but made a bit of a mistake with where we ate – not that the Pitcher and Piano wasn’t nice but later we saw much nicer cafes and tea rooms. York was full of visitors but there was a wonderful buzz. We shambled through the Shambles and mooched along Swinegate and I bought TWO pairs of shoes!! We saw lots of street performers and musicians and thoroughly enjoyed our brief sojourn.
Back on Mary H we sat on the back deck and read our books in the lovely sunshine and watched the York Wheel going round – hopefully we will go up in it tomorrow.

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