I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Monday 24th September

Today I am convinced I’ve married a mad man though he insists he isn’t!!  There is an amber weather warning out but Richard was determined to set off!  We have to get to Bridge 10 by Tuesday night and he says that the weather tomorrow is as bad as today but today there is hardly any wind whereas tomorrow there is quite a brisk southerly wind which will blow straight in his face – I will update you tomorrow on the sanity of all this!

clip_image002This stretch of the Leeds and Liverpool is interrupted by swing bridges which meant that not only did Richard get wet but I did too.  I had counted 4 bridges on the map so after we got passed the 4th I took my soaking trousers off and put them on the radiator.  I had miscounted and there was a 5th bridge.  I wasn’t going to put wet trousers on or get another pair wet so I donned my waterproof jacket and went out in bare legs!!  Of course the bridge would have to malfunction!  It opened and closed but the wedges wouldn’t go back in.  I rebooted the system three times and by this time the traffic was beginning to turn round.  I thought I would give it one more try and this time I was successful and the bridge slowly opened.  I was pretty chilled by the time I got back on the boat.

We moored up just after the Melling Road Winding Hole – we go passed Aintree on Wednesday but will be a little slower round the Canal Turn than the horses!  That was us for the rest of the day.  Neither of us poked our noses outside again and sat catching up on emails and such like.  Bit depressing really as we know that tomorrow will be just the same if not worse.

As no-one likes photos of the rain I have included a couple of random ones taken in Southport on Saturday.
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  1. I've just started following your blog and I find it very, very interesting.To live on a boat and travel through the countryside must be amazing. I'm loving all the pictures of the countryside. I'm am becoming enamored of England. I live in the US and I think the countryside in England is so lovely.


    1. Hi Sharon. Whereabouts do you live in the US? I have to say that we only live on board our boat in the summer - we go home for the winter months. England is a lovely country though very wet at present! Keep reading.

