I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th and Monday 8th October

 clip_image003What a hectic weekend!  Richard and I were catching the 8.38am train from Nantwich to Crewe so had to leave Mary H at 8am – that was hard work!  We went our separate ways at Crewe – Richard to Lancaster, Carnforth and then the bus to Tewitfield and me to Birmingham and then onto Bristol.  Both journeys worked well and I arrived in Bristol in lovely warm sunshine.  I had arranged to meet Richard’s niece in Bristol who I hadn’t met before and we had a nice chat sitting outside a café in the centre of Bristol J  I then walked to the Bristol Waterfront where the Hen and her chicks (!) were staying, quickly got changed and ready for an early departure to cocktail making.  I wasn’t too sure about making cocktails but it was great fun though we were all made to drink a shot of chilli vodka if we were naughty and of course we all were – the initial taste was lovely but a few moment afterwards the chilli kicked in and …… oh boy!  Dinner was in the same place and then we took a taxi back to the waterfront and into a bar followed by a nightclub.  I have to aclip_image006dmit that my side of the family were rather lightweights and Victoria, my two nieces Claire and Amy and myself went to bed at midnight L  It was a lovely evening and Laura looked gorgeous – I’m really looking forward to seeing her in her wedding dress in a few weeks’ time.

There didn’t appear to be any hangovers on Sunday morning though we all seemed a little quiet!  Victoria and I walked to the station with Claire and Amy who were heading back down to Devon while we caught the train to Paddington.  It was then a short underground ride to Waterloo and to our Travelodge.  Once again it was a quick change and then out to the Park Lane Hotel on Piccadilly for the Master Chefs of Great Britain 30th Annual Dinner.  I worked for the MCGB for 14 years while Robert and Victoria were young – in fact Victoria was born a few weeks before the first Annual Dinner so it was lovely for me to be able to take her with me this year.  We had to man the reception table which was great as it meant I could meet all the people I used to know.  Dinner was an amazing five courses but then it was chefs cooking for chefs and it had to be just right!  It was a wonderful evening and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.  Victoria and I got a taxi back to our hotel – it seemed a bit bizarre getting a taxi outside one of London’s top hotels and asking for the Travelodge at Waterloo!! 

(I didn’t take any photos at the dinner so the two below are the before and half was through shots of Laura’s party trick with shot glasses!)
Monday morning dawned wet.  We had a short walk to Waterloo station but it was long enough to get soaked – the clothes in the top of my suitcase were quite damp when I unpacked late afternoon.  I left Victoria at Waterloo as she was returning southwards and took the underground to Euston.  I only just made my train – I hadn’t allowed enough time for all the walking at both Waterloo and Euston.  The journey to Crewe was wonderful – smooth and over very quickly.  It was then a short hop to Nantwich where I met Richard and we walked back to Mary H.  I was absolutely shattered but in a very nice way!!!

While I had been away Richard had collected the car from Tewitfield on Saturday, gone down to Audlem on Sunday and back to Nantwich on Monday so, as usual, he kept himself busy and even though he said he had missed me I don’t think he really had time!!

1 comment:

  1. Did spot Richard on Mary H as we left Hack Green. I was inside and probably Ian didn't recognise the boat. He's hopeless at names and faces.
