I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Saturday 15 June 2013

Northwich (River Weaver) - Friday 14th June

We woke up to blue sky and sunshine though the forecast was dreadful.  We were on our way by 9.30am - early for us.  However it wasn't long before the good old British weather reverted to its usual state of rain.  It was the first time since we have had Muffin that we have motored in the rain and he didn't like the idea of being down below with me - he loves being on deck and watching where we are going.

Whatcroft Flash
I used my new vacuum cleaner this morning for the first time and I'm really pleased with it.  With a mucky puppy on board hoovering is something I now need to do more often than before.  The old one was an "pull along" type with a flex that always seemed to be in the way. This one is rechargeable and lives in Richard's wardrobe where there is an electric point for the TV!  I also did some ironing with Les Miserables on the iPod - I didn't notice the rain.
It wasn't far to Anderton where we availed ourselves of the services and then pulled over to decide what we were going to do.  Richard, as usual, had itchy feet and wanted to get down the boat lift and onto the Weaver.  He went off to book in and came back and said that the earliest we could get down was Tuesday - you are joking I said yes he said we go in an hour - haha!!

We had a quick lunch and then set off for the lift.  We shared with it with NB Hakuna Matata (from Welford - not to be confused with other narrow boats with the same name!). The rain stopped while we were going down the lift but as we were under cover it didn't really matter! At the bottom we headed upstream to Northwich and Hakuna Matata went downstream.  It bucketed down on our short trip to Northwich but we were soon there and moored up just under the swing bridge.
Photos of the Anderton Boat Lift (taken in 2011)

We needed to victual up so between showers we walked to the Co-op and managed to get back before it rained.  Now that we have Muffin Richard waits outside while I shop and then he helps carry things back - well he carries most of it while I walk the dog!

Whatcroft Flash (Trent & Mersey) to Northwich (River Weaver)
7.17 miles
0 locks
0 lift/swing bridges
1 boat lift!

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