I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Bugsworth Basin (Peak Forest Canal) – Sunday 28th July

It poured with rain during the night and some of the showers were very heavy indeed.

We left our mooring in the sunshine and headed off.  The Peak Forest Canal along to Whaley Bridge is spectacular – both Richard and I agreed that the scenery was probably the best we have encountered on the canals.  I didn’t take any photos but we will be going back that way!

There are two lift and two swing bridges to negotiate but I only had to do three as another boat was coming the other way for one of them.  There are a lot of low hanging trees and at one stage one of my cauldrons was knocked off the roof and fell into the canal – well actually the cauldron was still on the roof it was the plants that were in the canal!!  They were duly rescued and reinstated and we continued on our way.

We really had no idea of what we would encounter at Bugsworth Basin – I had visions of it being a basin at the end of a canal in a small town.  How wrong I was J  It is an amazing place but I will blog more about it tomorrow when we have a day off.

Muffin and mini Muffin
Richard and I took Muffin for a walk along the canal into Whaley Bridge and encountered a 4 month Cockapoo which looked just like Muffin did at that age – Teddy was absolutely gorgeous J  Further on we realised that Muffin wasn’t with us and turned round to see the water being churned up – yes you guessed it, he had fallen in AGAIN!!!  Richard ran back and pulled him out.  Muffin shook himself and carried on as if nothing had happened!!  We think he had been playing with an empty bag of human treats and must have lost his footing!

One wet dog!
On our way back to the boat the heavens opened.  We had our light waterproofs with us so put them on and stood under a tree however the rain just penetrated the jackets and we were soaked.  Poor Muffin got another soaking too!

Junction of Macclesfield & Peak Forest to Bugsworth Basin
6.57 miles
2 swing and 2 lift bridges

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