What a wash out Bertha has been – or at least where we are. We were all ready for the deluge but all had
was a few inches of rain and a couple of thunderstorms. Richard asked me this morning if I had slept
well and I replied that the storm had kept me awake all night. Very surprised, he replied “what storm” –
“exactly” I said!
We had a lazy morning with me planning our major expedition to the USA
next year. I want to get it done as
early as possible so that we can get god rates – also the Pound is doing well
against the Dollar at present.
A lovely boat we passed yesterday |
Muffin had a shower as he was beginning to go grey from all the dust on
the towpaths then to top the lot we had a thunderstorm and if there is one
thing he hates its thunder! We don’t
know if he was shaking from being cold or fear!
A nice photo of Muffin |
After the rain had stopped we took Muffin for a walk up the
towpath. He was beginning to get grubby
on his legs and undercarriage from the wet towpath and I was just saying to him
that he would have to have another shower when we got back when he fell in the
river! Well it wasn’t quite like
that! He likes to walk right along the
edge of the coping stone on the edge of the towpath and somehow managed to trip
himself up by looking behind him! Still
it saved another shower!
A late duck brood |
I have been very surprised by the amount of late duck, coot and moorhen
families there are around. I’m sure I
have never seen so many before in August.
By late August or early September they should be almost fully grown and
look very similar to adult and according to The London Wetlands Centre the
latest that mallard ducklings would normally hatch is August, but that tends to
happen when a clutch fails and the adults tried for a second brood.
Lee Navigation lock hooks |
All the locks on the Lee Navigation have a large hook at the bottom end
– some have two. I can’t find anything
about them but we reckon that a barge entering the lock to go up would have
thrown a large rope over the hook to steady it – the rope would then have
slipped off as the boat got higher and safer.
Two not very good photos of a rainbow! |
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