It was a cooler morning but that was mainly thanks to the Inland Revenue!! Their office building is beside the basin and it kept the morning sun off us! I went into the town to find the market – it was a pretty g
eneral market but I did get some nice salad bits and English asparagus. I availed myself of the laundry facilities at the basin and did two loads of washing and managed to get a load dried in their drier too. I think that Richard is finally coming round to the idea of a washing machine on board :-) We left the basin and stopped after one lock as, once again, Tesco was beside the canal and had access to the towpath. We went back to w
here we had lunch yesterday and moored for the night. Richard lit the BBQ and down came the rain! In typical English style he cooked under an umbrella but when we came to eat in had turned into a lovely evening – very refreshed by the rain. We suffered a loss today! I had handwashed a bra and put it, along with a pair of socks that had missed the main wash, on a little airer which I had hung from the TV aerial clamp – when we stopped for the night I only had one sock! The bra and sock had either come off in a lock or been pulled off by a low hanging tree!! Victoria texted me to say that she was worried that a fisherman might have a heart attack if he hooked it on his line!!!

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