I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday 7 June 2010

Sunday 6th June

I had a bad night with my knee hurting and was treated to breakfast in bed :-) - now this is something Richard doesn’t believe in so I was very honoured! We left our overnight mooring and I tried to do some ironing in between locks but soon had to give up as the locks were coming thick and fast. We had lunch where we had stayed on Thursday evening and then set off to do the last four locks on the Aylesbury Arm. We rejoined the Grand Union and then had seven locks to do before reaching Tring summit. We were back on the wide locks so I volunteered to do them – big mistake! All the locks were against us which meant much more work and as they were quite close together, once Richard was in the lock, I would go up to the next one and let the water out then go back and let Richard out! It made going through the locks much quicker but pretty knackering for me!!! Just after the top lock we turned onto the Wendover Arm – we didn’t know much about it and wondered if we had done the right thing to start with as it was very narrow and overgrown but it eventually opened out to where the Wendover Arm Trust had managed to re-open part of the canal in 2005. We turned at the end of the present canal and moored up for the night.

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