I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday 25 June 2012

Sunday 24th June

I don’t know what Millie had been up to last night but she didn’t move off the sofa until midday. There was another cat on the pontoons so maybe they had been out on the town!

We said goodbye to Boston this morning. We really wouldn’t recommend it I’m afraid. It’s a two day journey down from Lincoln which has been very boring on a long straight river with high banks so you can’t see anything. Even the houses appear not to have a ground floor as they are behind the banks.

How exciting – we came across a derelict sugar factory! In 1925 Henry Beacon came to Lincolnshire to investigate the prospects of erecting a Sugar Beet Factory in the County. 6,000 acres of contracted beet land had to be secured. 26 local farmers were paid 2 shillings for every acre secured for sugar beet growing. By the end of the year, sufficient acreage had been contracted. Unfortunately, at the last moment, the capital was not forthcoming and hope of a Factory being built in 1926 was abandoned. The factory was eventually opened in June 1927 and closed in February 2001. Between 1981 and 2001 British Sugar closed 13 factories due to the EU cut in our sugar quota.

Just after the sugar factory we pulled over on the Bardney Visitors Moorings for the night. It does seem strange on this river that every now again you come across a visitor’s pontoon which appears to be in the middle of nowhere but somewhere close there is usually habitation – you just can’t see it!

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