I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Monday 25th June

A nice bright morning to start with but I’m afraid the greyness set in again – however it’s been very warm today.

We went through Bardney Lock and stopped for water and other service and were soon coming into Lincoln and back through the guillotine lock. We tied up in the middle of the shops and I had a quick wander round the market – not very good – but did find a couple of nice looking fruit and veg stalls. We were very much centre of attention there with people on both sides staring in! We went back through Brayford Pool and out onto the Fossdyke Navigation again. We didn’t go far – just up to the Pyewipe Inn again. It turned into a lovely evening and Richard fancied a pint at the Pyewipe and we ended up having very nice meal there. From the pub we had a great view of Lincoln Cathedral, windmill and museum.

When we were last in Brayford Pool I came across this bit of information which I didn’t have room to use so I thought I would bore you with it now! “The demise of general commercial traffic had left Brayford Pool in the centre of Lincoln as a derelict eyesore, full of rubbish and sunken boats. The local Chamber of Commerce sought to address the issue in 1965, and formed Brayford Improvement Committee. Advice was sought from the Inland Waterways Association, and eventually the Brayford Mere Trust was constituted. They removed the wrecks from the pool, and have rebuilt the site, so that it offers facilities for visiting pleasure craft, now the major users of the waterway. A former lift bridge, which crossed the western entrance to the pool, was replaced in August 1996 by a new concrete flyover, as part of the redevelopment of the south bank, which included the opening of the University in the same year. 2 miles to the west of Lincoln, a new 15-acre marina has been constructed at Burton Waters, as part of a 140-acre housing development.”

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