I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday 1 July 2013

Warland Upper Lock (Rochdale Canal) – Sunday 30th June

Ian reckoned that we needed to leave at 8.30am this morning as Polly had to be at Walsden station by 4pm – she is still a working lady and had to get home tonight.

There are three locks on the flight up to the summit that only take one boat as there has been some subsidence causing the lock wall to bulge.  Our first lock was one of those so we went first so that Richard could use the services above the lock.

Bulging wall
Some of the pounds between the locks going up to the summit were very low and we actually met our first boat on the move!  Fortunately he had brought some water down with him.  Lock 41 had been closed on Thursday for repairs – hmmm not too sure about them!
DIY repairs?
The views from the canal are becoming more and more stunning.  I couldn’t wait to get up to the summit.

We made it to the summit and came across yet another boat – that’s two today now!  Just beyond the West Summit lock water from Chelburn Reservoir enters the canal – I just wish it would come in a bit quicker!

We had hoped to moor on the summit pound but the water level was too low and there was no way we could have got anywhere near the side.

600 feet above sea level
Cwm entering Longlees lock
We went down one more lock, Warland Upper Lock, and pulled over for lunch.  We decided to stay put for the rest of the day but we had to say goodbye to Ian and Polly along with Max and Cassie.  Max has been with us for three days and is a lovely dog but oh the noise!!  He gets so excited when the boat moves that he barks non stop!  To start with it was very annoying but we soon got used to it.  Ian reckons he gets quieter as the day progresses as he gets more and more hoarse!

Richard and I had a nice quiet afternoon.  I hadn't slept well last night so had an hour's kip while Richard and Muffin went for a walk.  I was so behind with the blog that I seemed to spend the rest of the day busy typing - sometimes I do find the blog very tying but once it's done I am glad I did it!

Littleborough Lower Lock (Rochdale Canal) to Warland Lower Lock (Rochdale Canal)
2.54 miles
13 locks
1 swing bridge

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