I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Monday 2 June 2014

Kintbury (Kennet and Avon Canal) – Saturday 31st May

We woke up to blue skies and sunshine and a lovely view across the canal at a chocolate box cottage.  There really are times when I love waking up!

The view from our bedroom this morning
Diane and I walked up the high street – she to get a new BBQ and me to get meat to go on ours.  There is an excellent butcher in Hungerford and I rather overdid what I bought but it all looked so lovely.  Strangely enough I read in a blog last night (I’m afraid I don’t remember whose) that they had come across a butcher in Lechlade who sharpened knives – this one does too!

Mary H and Daisy Chain at Hungerford
As we are cruising to Newbury with Daisy Chain I am able to do the locks with Diane which is a really nice change from steering.  At the second lock Steve got talking to a couple of cyclists and the next thing I knew he had put the bikes on his roof and they jumped on!  I’m still not sure what happened but they had a ride to the next lock.

A pretty photo!
I seem to be writing a lot about Muffin but today he did the BIG one and fell in – first time this year!  We were coming into the lock waiting so I could jump off and Muffin always comes with me but this time he was a bit too eager and jumped off too soon and splash!  Richard cut the engine and jumped ashore and managed to haul him out by his harness – that thing is a godsend!  Muffin shook himself off and rushed off looking round at me as if to say “come on what’s all the fuss about”!

The Old Vicarage at Kintbury

As we approached Kintbury I coveted the Old Vicarage with its sweeping lawns coming down to the canal.  Once again I dug deep into Google and discovered that Jane Austen had once been a frequent guest there and that the current lady of the house, Gill Hornby, wrote a biography of Jane Austen aimed specifically at children.  Gill’s husband is author Robert Harris, whose debut novel Fatherland was such a runaway success that he went out and bought the vicarage in 1992.  Maybe I should take up writing.

As we approached the Kintbury lock Richard stopped quite a way back from it so I jumped off and went to set it.  Once done I waited for the boats to come – I waited and waited until finally Steve came up and said that we were staying the night there.  I will not say any more about the situation but needless to say I was far from happy.

We had a quiet afternoon and then fired up the BBQs and sat out eating, drinking and chatting until 9.30 pm when it started to get a bit too chilly!

Hungerford to Kintbury
2.99 miles
3 locks

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