I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Sunday 20 July 2014

Back to Worsfold Winding Hole (River Wey) – Saturday 19th July

We didn’t wake up until 8.30am and we were expecting Victoria at 10am at the New Inn so it was a bit of a rush!  In the end we arrived at about the same time.  We had been expecting my Mother and Step-father too but with the weather forecast they decided not to come, which in hindsight was a great shame as it turned into a lovely day.  We had a few spots of rain as Victoria arrived but after that it just got better though the humidity was very high.

Our plan was to go to the New Inn for lunch and then for a cruise so we all set-to to do something productive beforehand.  Richard straightened out the metal pole on the cratch as he had managed to bend it while winding!  I scrubbed the cratch cover which Victoria showered Muffin – we now have both a clean cratch and a clean dog! 
Our new helmsman (that's water in her glass!)
We had a light lunch in the New Inn and then set off downstream.  Victoria continued with her steering practice and did really well.  I took over after Papercourt Lock and our plan was to wind just before Newark Road Bridge and moor up on the meadow for a cuppa.  I did the most wonderful pirouette – Wayne Sleep would have been proud of me – then towed a single hander out of the bushes – goodness knows how he got there bearing in mind how wide the river is just there.  So my first pirouette and my first rescue!
The winding hole
Where the singlehander went into the bushes
We had our cuppa and a sit on the meadow though it was hot by this time then cruised back to the New Inn, dropped Victoria off and went up to Worsfield winding hole to turn round.  However we decided to moor up in the same spot as last night as it is shady and cool.

Our favourite spot on the meadow
I got a case of the PVB in the evening.  What is PVB?  Post Victoria Blues :-(  I realised that I won’t see her until the end of August which made me sad as I do miss her.

The forecast for today had been thunderstorms and heavy rain – we didn’t see any of it!

2.54 miles
2 locks

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