I am Linda and along with my husband Richard and our dog Oreo we enjoy our summers on the UK's canal system

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Kingston (River Thames) – Wednesday 8th July

quiet morning though Richard, as usual, was busy.  I had promised myself a trip to T K Max (oh the excitement of it!) as it's a very large one with all sorts of goodies.  My phone went and it was my cousin, Alison, who lives in Twickenham.  The upshot of the call was that we arranged to meet for a coffee in town.  I walked into town and raided T K Max then Clas Ohlson and finally Lakeland getting some nice things for the boat.  I'm much happier shopping for household things than clothes!!  I then met Alison and we had a lovely couple of hours chatting.  We only ever seem to see each other at family gatherings so it was really nice to have a one-to-one with her.  It was then a quick visit to BHS where I was able to buy a summer duvet as our original one seems to have gone AWOL!  I guess it is probably at home but I have got rid of a couple of duvets as we have moved over to Duvalays for our guests.  We used them in the caravan in March and were really pleased with them.  Anyway I digress (!) I said goodbye to Alison and on wandering back to the boat I got another phone call from an old friend who had been hoping to come and see us.

Dana arrived about 6ish and we sat on the bank having a glass of wine and a good catch up.  I used to work with Dana at Nauticalia in Shepperton and have kept in contact since though, I have to admit, mainly by Christmas card.  It was lovely to see her and hear about what she is doing now.

So a day of two halves!  A quiet half and a very sociable half.  I have to say that I may not have done much in Kingston but my back is so much better.

We move on tomorrow.

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